I’m Risto trajanov
Data Scientist – ML Engineer
About me

Data scientist with a passion for building projects that have impact.
As a passionate and driven individual, I am eager to learn and apply my knowledge in the dynamic field of data science. I am constantly seeking new challenges that will help me grow and evolve as a professional. With a strong foundation in data analytics, statistics, and programming, I am committed to leveraging my skills to make a meaningful impact in the industry. I am excited to take on new opportunities and collaborate with like-minded individuals to drive innovation and solve complex problems through data-driven insights.
rice university – December 2023
Master’s of Data Science
Specialization: Business Analytics
Attending under the Fulbright Scholarship
- Automating the report generation from employee engagement surveys, saving 20 man-hours per report and enhancing timely decision-making.
- Design and develop course assignments and coding materials, improving student engagement and understanding
of the course material.
- Developing an ETL process by establishing naming conventions for efficient survey data extraction and implementing a robust pipeline for data profiling, statistical analysis, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling, and automating the storage of survey results, pioneering data flow and analytics at Deutser.
Teaching Assistant
Rice University – Jones School of Business
Houston, TX
02/2023 – 06/2023
- Facilitates students’ comprehension of financial concepts in the Quantitative Finance course taught through
hands-on instruction in Python.
- Design and develop course assignments and coding materials, improving student engagement and understanding
of the course material.
- Led the creation of a start-up as the lead developer, taking charge of product design and development, including setting up the database and establishing a streaming data pipeline.
- Customized a proprietary ESG taxonomy and ontology used to label 50+ company textual reports and 100+ news articles used for building an ESG knowledge meta-model that identifies differences between a company’s ESG reports and media coverage.
- Presented the start-up to potential investors in more than 20 presentations, securing $50,000 grant from NSF.
Data Scientist, Intern
Skopje, North Macedonia
12/2020 – 04/2021
- Built an information extraction graph-based machine learning model using PyTorch that successfully extracted textual and positional information from 50+ different types of insurance documents.
- Developed a python pdf insurance document generator for 10+ insurance invoice types to enrich the dataset for training the model.
- Developed a python pdf insurance document generator for 10+ insurance invoice types to enrich the dataset for training the model.
Machine Learning Engineer, Intern
Loka Inc.
Skopje, North Macedonia
06/2020 – 10/2020
- Built a complete ETL pipeline that includes bi-weekly retraining with Airflow on an Amazon S3 bucket from files that are entered by the users to the applications, which increased accuracy of the model by 1%.
- Analysed and extracted data from 10,000+ cancer tissue data points and their characteristics, such as gene mutation and expressions, to create a personalized drug recommendation system using collaborative filtering.
- Deployed a client application using Flask and React, which displayed the results of the model with data visualization techniques and a dashboard with user login functionalities.
Machine Learning Researcher, Intern
Macedonian Academy Of Sciences And Arts
Skopje, North Macedonia
03/2020 – 09/2020
- Extracted, translated, preprocessed and performed sentiment analysis with both English and Macedonian sentiment models and topic modeling over time on 200+ poems of Blaze Konevski, a famous Macedonian writer.
Explainable landscape-aware optimization performance prediction
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2021
Improving Nevergrad’s Algorithm Selection Wizard NGOpt Through Automated Algorithm Configuration
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 2022
Explainable Landscape Analysis in Automated Algorithm Performance Prediction
International Conference
on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (Part of EvoStar), 2022
Real-time Macedonian Sign Language Recognition System by using Transfer Learning
45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022
Dietary, comorbidity, and geo-economic data fusion for explainable COVID-19 mortality prediction
Expert Systems with Applications, 2022
Identifying minimal set of Exploratory Landscape Analysis features for reliable algorithm performance prediction
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2022
Challenges and Opportunities in ESG Investments
International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 2022
(832) 863 2480